
Break post Break

So after a long break, I finally have net connection and free time to continue blogging. I knew this time was going to come sooner or later and it is going to be quite a task to compensate for all the days I have not written. So here is a fresh start.

It was my little sister’s birthday and I have not been keeping well. I couldn’t do much but she sure had fun with her friends. I can’t believe she is fifteen already. She is a millennial quite literally, born in 2000, her age is whatever the year is. 15 in 2015 and so on. These 15 years have been a real learning experience. She has always been the brave one and whenever I took a step back, she was the one who said it is okay to walk on. She has definitely been the best gift ever.

Tonight after dropping her friends home – my friends, she and I went on a car ride and it was crazy! The music was playing on full volume and we were playing some songs that related to each person’s personality, that reminded me of some incidents and made me nostalgic. I wonder sometimes if there is anything that brings more nostalgia than music. In my case, I can never ever forget who suggested me what song. It is a boon and a bane because sometimes some loved songs are destroyed by bad memories that come along with it.

The song that reallly stuck was “Kya Karoon?” from Wake Up Sid. There is no telling how much I love that movie and this song could very well be the theme song for my life. The dilemma never ends.

So that was that! So much for writing again, it will never be a blog in the true sense of the word. Just a random rant on even more random things.
Signing off,

75th Blog Post/Diamond/Stream of Consciousness

As regular followers (I know there aren’t any) one would be able to find certain trends in my blog. I have decided to make all the 25-50-75-th posts about the blog and in general about writing. The 50th one was about writing and this one is about writing in a stream of consciousness way. For those who don’t know, Stream of Consciousness is an uninterrupted flow of ideas, it’s like you write whatever comes to your mind, unedited. It’s your feelings, thoughts, emotions in a continuous flow. So that reminds me of when I was a kid and used to write in my journal, I used this technique wherein I wrote a word and then another word that came to my mind on writing the previous word and so on. This was basically a recounting of my daily experiences and life in general and you won’t believe but till this day I remember the whole thought process behind each and every word and also how it led me to the next word. Surprisingly, I didn’t even know about the concept of Stream of Consciousness then, but aren’t all these concepts just ordinary processes until somebody gives them a name.So since this is the 75th post, you know how it is marked by diamonds, as in it is termed The Diamond Anniversary or something, so this is my diamond post(?), uninterrupted, unedited, straight from the heart. What comes to my mind first when I think about diamonds is that night when we went to a waterfall (Bhagsunag in McLeodganj). It was completely dark, like it is in forests and in the mountains. We couldn’t see a thing, there was just faint moonlight and the shining dark water below us. We tried to click pictures with those handy digicams people use and the flash was on. To our surprise when the flash clicked, the million water droplets of the waterfall shone like diamonds falling towards us. Words can’t do justice to that moment, it was too beautiful to be true. We kept on clicking pictures just to see those water droplets/diamonds. I was thinking about Sylvia Plath today, I think I also dreamt of her yesterday night. maybe because I saw a book of hers in a friend’s bookshelf yesterday. I have been having bad dreams for a while now. I assume that bad dreams mean the opposite in real life so I don’t get worried. Doesn’t it happen to you too that when you see someone’s bookshelf, you can’t sit back until you have seen and noted each and every book on it. Maybe if you’re not a book lover, that might not happen with you, but I am sure whatever you’re passionate about must drive you crazy in the same way. I personally can’t resist scanning each and every book. I read everything and anything that I can put my hands upon. I just CANNOT DO NOTHING! That is also how my habit of reading books started. When I was realllly young, we used to visit the doctor a lot, maybe because of my asthma or maybe because of something that was ailing my parents at the moment but I remember some beautifully illustrated childrens’ books lying there and I could never ever resist reading them. I always finished one or two when I went there and that is where it all started. I have definitely come a long way from there. It’s what they say right, whatever happens, happens for the best! ❤



Journal Writing/Blog Post 50

I have been writing and maintaining a journal since I was in class seven. It has been my favourite hobby but also very infrequent, there were times when I would write everyday and times when I wouldn’t write for months. Through this blog I just wanted to continue my habit in the digital space and even though it as not as personal as I would want it to be I try my best to be as genuine as possible. Until now, I have lived up to the promise of writing one post everyday and I very proudly present here my fiftieth post!

Memories of journal writing:

There was a time when I was extremely introverted and shy. My journal used to be my best friend. It sounds sad but trust me it wasn’t. Obviously I had many more friends but some things are meant to be kept to yourself. There were times when a friend who wanted to know me better would ask me to read out from the pages of my journal and I reluctantly did so, editing bits here and there. I have definitely come a long way from there. From being so introverted and shy to someone who is ready to let it all go and to show the world who she really is.

This is just the beginning! ❤

The Burning House

If your house suddenly caught on fire, what would you grab as you fled out the door?

Visit this link to know more about “The Burning House”.

In the meanwhile, here is what I would take from my present house i.e. my hostel room.

HP T-shirt, Scrapbook and Journal, Wallet and Postcards.

HP T-shirt, Scrapbook and Journal, Wallet and Postcards. Couldn’t put in the crocs because they are dirty, jeans is in the laundry, too lazy to empty the sling bag and the camera was obviously being used to click the photo.

Name: Shreya Sachan

Age: 22

Location: Hostel Room, Mumbai, India

Occupation: Student


My journal and all the letters, photographs, postcards and dried rose petals that it has between its pages.

Scrapbook that a friend gave as a farewell gift.

Camera because its my most expensive possession.

Laptop because it has all the photographs that I have clicked in the last 8 years.

Copy of On the Road and Secrets of the Heart.

Harry Potter themed T-Shirt and a pair of Jeans and my crocs.

My sling bag.

Wallet that I bought in McLeodganj.
